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Interceptors can intercede additional processing before or after the any published command has been passed and consumed to subscribers.


Use interceptor

There are three levels to enable interceptor.

  1. Apply globally to the Router (IPublisher, ISubscribable)
  2. Apply it to all methods in the [Routes] class.
  3. Apply only to specific handler.
  • Apply the [Route] method
  • Apply .Subscribe(...), .SubscribeAwait(...)
// 1. Apply globally to the router.
Router.Default.AddFilter(new YourInterceptor());

var router = new Router();
router.AddFilter(new YourInterceptor());

IPublisher pubilsher = router;
publisher.AddFilter(new YourInterceptor());

ISubscribable subscribable = router;
subscribable.AddFilter(new YourInterceptor());
// 1. Apply to the router with VContaienr.
builder.RegisterVitalRouter(routing =>
// 1. Apply to the router with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
builder.AddVitalRouter(routing =>
[Filter(typeof(Logging))] // 2. Apply to the type
public partial class FooPresenter
[Filter(typeof(ExtraInterceptor))] // 3. Apply to the method
public void On(CommandA cmd)
// ...

All of these are executed in the order in which they are registered, from top to bottom.

If you take the way of 2 or 3, the Interceptor instance is resolved as follows.

  • If you are using DI, the DI container will resolve this automatically.
  • if you are not using DI, you will need to pass the instance in the MapTo call.
    • MapTo(Router.Default, new Logging(), new ErrorHandling());
    • // auto-generated
      public Subscription MapTo(ICommandSubscribable subscribable, Logging interceptor1, ErrorHandling interceptor2) { /* ... */ }

Create custom interceptor

Arbitrary interceptors can be created by implementing ICommandInterceptor.

Example 1: Some kind of processing is interspersed before and after the command is consumed.

class Logging : ICommandInterceptor
public async ValueTask InvokeAsync<T>(
T command,
PublishContext context,
PublishCOntinuation<T> next)
where T : ICommand
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Start {typeof(T)}");
// Execute subsequent routes.
await next(command, context);
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"End {typeof(T)}");

Example 2: try/catch all subscribers exceptions.

class ExceptionHandling : ICommandInterceptor
public async ValueTask InvokeAsync<T>(
T command,
PublishContext context,
PublishContinuation<T> next)
where T : ICommand
await next(command, context);
catch (Exception ex)
// Error tracking you like
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"oops! {ex.Message}");

Example 3: Filtering command.

class MyFilter : ICommandInterceptor
public async ValueTask InvokeAsync<T>(
T command,
PublishContext context,
PublishContinuation<T> next)
where T : ICommand
if (command is FooCommand { X: > 100 } cmd)
// Deny. Skip the rest of the subscribers.
// Allow.
await next(command, context);